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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Problems with the Law of Attraction

One of the problems with the Law of attraction is that terrible things happen to children. This falsifies the law of attraction hypothesis since according to the Law of attraction you only attract into your life what you think about.

This problem is brought up in a pro-Law of attraction blog but it doesn't solve the problem at all:

If a child is abused, does that mean the child intended it in some way?

No. It means YOU intended it. You intend child abuse to manifest simply by thinking about it. The more you think about child abuse (or any other subject), the more you’ll see it expand in your reality. Whatever you think about expands, and not just in the narrow space of your avatar but in all of physical reality.

This violates the law of attraction as promoted by Abraham Hicks because according to them, bad things only happen if you attracted it, not if someone else attracted it on you.


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