Nothing sells like hope
On most law of attraction sites there's usually something to be sold. Could it be that the law of attraction is nothing more than a self-help gimmick to get sales? If you've got nothing what is the best thing that you can sell? Hope. Just go into any bookstore and you'll see a whole shelf of books dedicated to self help. There's a whole group of people in this world who are desperate to better their lives and they'd fork out cash for it. But in my experience, self-help books make you feel good for a while but the techniques don't actually work.
The first self-help book I bought was Tony Robbins, "Awaken the Giant within". Years after I still am no great success. It seems like these guys get rich, not from using their techniques, but from selling them.
So is the law of attraction completely useless? Not really. If you're into scheming, then you can sell it. Just sell the idea of it. Even if your techniques don't work, it doesn't matter. People need hope, and hope sells.
The first self-help book I bought was Tony Robbins, "Awaken the Giant within". Years after I still am no great success. It seems like these guys get rich, not from using their techniques, but from selling them.
So is the law of attraction completely useless? Not really. If you're into scheming, then you can sell it. Just sell the idea of it. Even if your techniques don't work, it doesn't matter. People need hope, and hope sells.
I agree that we see a strong profit motive in the hawking of "The Law of Attraction". However, it also seems to me that most of the people promoting TLOA actually do believe in it. It is tailor-made for a particular kind of mind set.
As Robert Heinlein said, "Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
What makes this whole "Law of Attraction" issue problematic (from the point of view of critical examiners) is that some of the underlying principles make sense, either directly or metaphorically. You really can attract good and bad things by your thoughts. The words "attitude" and "demeanour" exist because of this fact!
How far beyond that can we go? I don't know. But I suspect some people have gone past reality and drifted into wishful thinking.
This little treasure is from 'A Course In Miracles' Chaper 11
"It is impossible not to believe what you see, but it is equally impossible to see what you do not believe. Perceptions are built up on the basis of experience, and experience leads to beliefs. It is not until beliefs are fixed that perceptions stabilize. In effect, then, what you believe you do see."
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