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Friday, September 22, 2006

Why not test the law of attraction yourself?

What I do to test the law of attraction, is I write down something that I want to manifest in my life. Once a day, or once every few days, I look at the goal I have written down and imagine that I have it. I keep a tally of how many days I have put my focus on believing I will achieve the goal.

Results are generally dismal. Most times nothing is achieved at all. Sometimes I do get success but if the law of attraction is true, it should work for all goals, not just some of them.

One of the manifestation goals I had written down a few days ago was to break my advertising revenue record. I have other personal websites that make a very small amount. The most I have ever received in one day is 82 cents. I broke that record today making $1.26. The tally next to my manifestation goal was 5.

The reason I have mentioned this is not to promote the law of attraction. I don’t believe in the law of attraction at all. Rather it’s to show the way that many superstitions work. To create a superstition all we need are two events happening within close proximity to each other. The mistake that a superstitious person makes is that they believe that because two events happened side by side, the earlier event must have caused the latter.

There could be an even better explanation. The universe is not actually answering your “vibration”. Your brain is simply working on achieving your goal because by focusing on it, you are telling your brain that it is important. Something that was previously at the middle of the subconscious “to do” list is now suddenly at the top. This was achieved by focusing on the goal. You’ve told your brain to spend more time trying to achieve that goal. However increased effort trying to achieve your goal doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be achieved. That’s why goal setting has a low success rate. That would be the rationalist explanation.

Nevertheless, as a rationalist, I find my self testing the law of attraction again and again. Not because I believe it works, but because it gives me hope. Who wouldn’t want everything they wanted to be attracted to them without having to lift a finger?


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