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Saturday, September 23, 2006

The leading edge of thought

I don't believe in the law of attraction, but its so fun to think about. If it was true, life would be so good. I'm going to pretend that I believe in it for the next few paragraphs just for inspiration.

[rationalism OFF]

You are on the leading edge of thought. You chose this contrast even before you were born. It is what you wanted. Only through contrast can you unleash the desire used to create.

Think of all the suffering in this world. Imagine a child somewhere out there who is dying of hunger. Think of how terrible this is. Think of his unbearable pain and suffering. Now stop. Think of something different. Did you feel that? Did you feel the contrast? You can only know what you want because of the contrast. Everytime, you have this choice - to change your focus on what you don't want, to what you do want. The contrast brings forth rockets of desire. You cannot get rid of what you don't want by pushing against it. The more you focus on what you don't want, the more of it you attract.

You are a creator on the leading edge of thought. And here's the beauty of it: you never finish. You are constantly asking the universe via your focus. And everytime, the universe is responding.

After each manifestaion of your desires you are in a new place of contrast. And within that new place of contrast, a new rocket of desire is born. You never finish, because the joy is not in the recieving, but it is in the asking. You are constantly asking in your focus.

No matter where you are in life, remember why you chose to immerse yourself in this contrast. It is not so that you could focus on what you don't want, it is so that you could focus on what you do want.

[rationalism ON]

I don't believe what I said above. Many things I believed would happen, never did. That would falsify the law of attraction since according to LOA if you believe you will get something then you will attract it to you. Nevertheless, thinking about the law of attraction is inspiring.


Blogger Ettsem said...

I'm intrigued by the text you quoted (or made up, if it's a parody). When I strip off the woo-woo (New-Agey) verbiage and subtract a few dubious claims, it makes some sense.

It appears to be suggesting that we can burn ourselves out obsessing about harmful things, or put that same mental "energy" into thinking about beneficial things. So how would that apply in a real-life situation?

I suppose that if I spent my days relentlessly thinking about a new car, I'd keep my eyes WIDE open for opportunities that bring me closer to that goal.

Come to think of it, I wouldn't even have to think about it RELENTLESSLY; I'd just have to think about it intensely for a while and then it'd be there "in the back of my mind". (It's like when I hear a word or song and then notice it again twice the same week -- for some reason it was stuck "in the back of my mind" and my attention was primed for it.)

If the Law of Attraction was stated as simply as that, it would just be "The Power of Positive Thinking" (and similarly themed approaches to life).

Perhaps this is the reason for the seemingly endless hype about how this "secret" can get you RICH. If something isn't truly new, sometimes you can package it and sell it as something "new and improved".

Would a "bare bones" version of the Law of Attraction work in real life? I'm sure it often would. Having a strong positive focus makes a huge difference. Still, you need a lot of other things, like health, perspicacity, endurance, forebearance ... and the occasional lucky break.

5:25 AM  

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